Sunday, 22 June 2014

Creative Stitches and Hobbycraft Show

This post is well over due but then again, so are many of the soon to follow entries!

Earlier this year, I won tickets to the Creative Stitches and Hobbycrafts show over in Trafford Park. I've never actually been to a show like this before, although when I was younger my dad took me to computer fairs and my mum sometimes worked photography seminars so I kind of knew what to expect. I took my flat mate along with me (more on that later) and I think it's fair to say that a successful day was had by all. I probably more money than I should have but I got some gorgeous new stamps and a Kanban Crafts card kit (which was actually a bargain).

There was just so much there! It was amazing. I was like a child in a sweet shop and didn't know what to look at first. Luckily (or so I thought), my flat mate, Natalie is not a crafter like me so she kept me on a certain level of calm. That was until we came across the jewellery making stalls where they were letting people have a go at making a pair of earrings. I don't have my ears pierced so it wasn't of particular interest to me but Nat decided to have a go and we agreed to meet up there in an hour.

One hour (I completely lost track of time) later . . . .

I headed back to the stall to see her fully engrossed in making her earrings. I left her to her crafting and when I came back a second time, she had bought lots of kit to make her own. And so the craft bug spreads!

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