Saturday, 7 July 2012

CAS-ual Fridays


Another quick post for this week's CAS-ual Friday challenge. I promise to do a proper proper entry next time, I will have a hell of a lot to talk about - it's the charity gig tonight and hopefully there will  be lots of cards being sold (Excited much?)

So, this week's challenge was to use text in our design. I decided to multi task for this one and make my design easy to replicate so that I could make more to sell tonight. I based my design on one that I had seen in my magazine but added my own character to really make it mine.

This one is probably my favourite (mainly due to the purple) but I created three others. I tried to make each one slightly different. Obviously, the character is the same but I made each one unique with different hair and eye colour (ProMarkers) and dresses, colour schemes and accessories (made with patterned paper, peel-offs and embellishments). The text part of my design is at the base of my card where I used strips of newspaper (unfortunately it was the sports pages, and mainly golf - I hope no one notices!). I then finished off each card with various bits and pieces. I hope you like :)

1 comment:

  1. GREAT use of text with this cute image! So glad that you join the fun with us at CAS-ual Fridays!


Thanks for your comment. It's greatly appreciated and I hope you carry on reading =)